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Business & Information

Graphic Designing

BANMODE Business and information  was established as one of the quality Graphic Desgning firms in the country.

Started in 2007, our main service was creating signboards and billboards. Masterpiece became a popular name around Malé during the earlier years for our spray-painted and airbrushed billboards. More than 15 years have passed and some of our earliest billboards now stylishly vintage, can still be found. In addition to signboards and billboards we offered quality silkscreen printing, and graphic designing.

Today the production process is less time consuming and allows us to dedicate more creative energy to the design itself. We are happy to note that our design skills coupled with our passion for art and design has and is, becoming richer and more refined by the year.


Masterpiece has expanded onto offer many more services, and we pride ourselves on offering creative solutions that are well researched, fresh and conceptually strong.

We appreciate the highly technical aspects of the design industry and at the same time value the old artistic involvement in creating a basic good design. Maintaining this balance between the old and the new is something we value in our company.

Even though large format printers replaced the spray cans, and our working platform is fully digitalized, we still often turn to the old manual methods in the creative process. We value and find inspiration from more organic processes and this experimental approach in creative thinking can be seen in our productions.

When working with us we will take you step by step through the creative process as we move from the first conceptual stage and present you with the concept, to sketching out the detailed ideas, perfecting the right art style for your products/company, and finally to the finished production.

Recent Works Take a look at some of the works we have done for our valued customers